Category: Phone Features

  • Top Tips for Buying a new Smartphone

    Top Tips for Buying a new Smartphone

    We are a nation of mobile phone lovers. We love to have the latest and greatest that smartphone technology has to offer in our pockets. However, unless you’re extremely rich, changing your mobile phone is not something that you get to do very often.  Therefore, when it comes to choosing your next smartphone, it can […]

  • Top Five Battery Saving Tips

    Top Five Battery Saving Tips

    One of the biggest gripes that many of us have with our smartphones is the battery life. Without sufficient charge, our phones are virtually useless and a lot of us feel lost. There are a few things that we can all do to make our mobile phone battery life go further. So without further ado, […]

  • How to Free up Space on your Smartphone

    If you’re one of those people who seem to take photos and videos on your smartphone every day, then you’ll probably know exactly what it’s like to run out of space on your device. You will also know that it tends to happen at the worst possible time. For example, when you want to photo […]

  • People more Confident using Voice Search on their Smartphones

    People more Confident using Voice Search on their Smartphones

    Although many smartphone owners have confessed to never actually having used this feature, the voice search function is extremely useful. You simply press a button and say what you want your smartphone to find out. No typing necessary. This is all very well if you’re at home or with people you know. But what if […]